Stress And Your Hair


With the current uncertainty regarding the pandemic, many out there have experienced a great deal more stress than previously. This has resulted in a number of associated health issues. One of these that has not really been unpacked in great detail is the effect of stress on the condition of your hair.

Stress affects the hair in a number of ways, causing temporary hair loss, permanent hair loss, or hair thinning. Generally, your hair will grow back, but there have been instances where prolonged stress can cause the condition to repeat itself, causing a lengthened time of hair stress, which can lead to a more permanent hair growth issue.

Types of Stress

The type of stress can vary from emotional to physical. Physical stress can be easier to pinpoint and address both the cause and the effects on the hair, whilst emotional stress is harder to pinpoint and can have varying serious consequences for your hair. More precise detail with some medical terms and advice is provided on this by the who are professionals in this field. It is, however, important to advise that you look beyond the science and seek out the signs in your hair, such as increased hair loss, noticeable hair thinning, and changes in hair coloration. If you have any of these, it’s best to see a professional. 

Emotional stress caused by the current lockdown is affecting and will continue to affect many people, and as a result, there may be negative changes in your hair. It has in the past generally been accepted that short-term emotional stress is not serious, and although you may lose a lot of hair, it is expected to grow back within 2- 3 months. However, we’re now seeing that COVID-19 is responsible for much longer-term stress and this prolonged stress can have a more serious impact on your hair.

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Prolonged Stress of COVID-19

The most important type of stress to focus on in our current context is the prolonged stress caused by COVID-19. This prolonged emotional stress can cause the hair follicles to move into a dormant phase. When this happens, hair growth is affected, and naturally, the way your hair looks changes for the worse. Gone is the full head of healthy hair with a sheen, and instead, you may have either less hair in your head, unhealthier hair, and in the worse cases, it may not grow back as thick as it was.

What is of importance here is to determine how best to avoid this stress and ensure hair health. It is indeed still important to look after the hair itself, and a good protein shampoo and additional conditioning with argon oils may be required, but the only way to avoid hair loss will be to deal with the underlying stress levels and reduce stress. This is a difficult prospect in the current climate, but there are some clear suggestions.

How to deal with prolonged stress and improve hair health

There are a number of coping mechanisms and strategies that are put forward to deal with the underlying prolonged stress that can lead to serious hair issues and even hair loss. Meditation has been suggested, as being able to remain calm and convince the physical body that the emotional upheaval is under control can really help. Have a set time put aside for relaxation and perhaps a spa treat from time to time, as this serves to relax and improve mental wellbeing. The main advice is to spend some time looking after yourself and your emotional health.

Keep in mind that the prolonged stress of COVID-19 is affecting us all, and as individuals, you will need to look out for the warning signs that your body presents to you. The hair is one of those physical aspects used by the body as a flag. Pay attention to your hair and seek professional help should stress start to have any adverse effects.


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